Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Sweetest Taboo

    today i'm listening to sade
    all day
    the end

    YOU WIN.

    you bet i do

    if i tell you, if i tell you how i feel...(gee don don PSHOW!) would you keep on, wouyld you keep luvvvin meeeeee

    you can also win for saying that

Thursday, February 10, 2011


(2:39:13 PM) allieswoop: i just saw this on a website and it made me laugh...
(2:39:27 PM) allieswoop: is it oprah's half sister because she is "HALF THE SIZE"?
(2:39:27 PM) coneybologna: is it beacuse she's half oprah's size??!
(2:39:30 PM) coneybologna: SAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(2:39:35 PM) allieswoop: SHUT UP
(2:39:36 PM) coneybologna: AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
(2:39:36 PM) allieswoop: NO WAY
(2:39:37 PM) allieswoop: HAHAHAHAHHAHA
(2:39:38 PM) coneybologna: srsly
(2:39:40 PM) coneybologna: WAYYN HAHAHHAHA
(2:39:41 PM) allieswoop: COME ON
(2:39:47 PM) coneybologna: GET OUT OF MY HEAD
(2:39:50 PM) coneybologna: OUT!
(2:39:56 PM) allieswoop: THE ENDD
(2:40:00 PM) coneybologna: THE ENDD!! haha
(2:40:01 PM) allieswoop: I"M TERRIFIED
(2:40:06 PM) coneybologna: srsly escared.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


**One time, Dionne Warwick didn't show up she sent a cheese plate**

Ever since that day, anytime someone does something classy for someone else we all have to say... in unison... GOOD ONE DIONNE!

So, please... all together now -- GOOD ONE DIONNE

Friday, October 29, 2010


Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000014013 StartFragment:0000000127 EndFragment:0000013993 (11:18:36 AM) allieswoop: dooooooode
(11:18:42 AM) allieswoop: first of all i have been missing so much
(11:18:52 AM) allieswoop: you look like the little girl from mary poppins
(11:19:06 AM) allieswoop: and i got a letter from the breast chestern last night
(11:19:20 AM) allieswoop: and you drew a terrible man ass on stationary from a hotel
(11:19:22 AM) allieswoop: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
(11:19:59 AM) coneybologna: you missed TONS
(11:20:04 AM) coneybologna: i'm glad you got the letter HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(11:20:25 AM) coneybologna: from bu and katy at best
(11:20:34 AM) allieswoop: HAHAHAHAH
(11:21:25 AM) allieswoop: the end.
(11:21:50 AM) coneybologna: you lucky son
(11:21:57 AM) coneybologna: were they amazing?
(11:22:00 AM) allieswoop: luckyson moore
(11:22:03 AM) allieswoop: ?
(11:22:13 AM) allieswoop: yes sandra bernhard is flmazing
(11:22:17 AM) coneybologna: lucKEESON moore
(11:22:27 AM) coneybologna: OH man that's SO COOL i hope you took pics with them
(11:22:34 AM) allieswoop: i did with sandra
(11:23:00 AM) allieswoop: i will post to fb once els-a-beth gets them picturals off her photo box
(11:23:04 AM) allieswoop: woah
(11:23:07 AM) allieswoop: that's not ok
(11:23:28 AM) allieswoop: sorry
(11:23:31 AM) allieswoop: immediately
(11:24:32 AM) coneybologna: YEA that's not okay to say about anymore and a photo box.
(11:24:37 AM) coneybologna: thanks for appologizing.
(11:25:05 AM) allieswoop: are you having a halloween costume?
(11:25:17 AM) coneybologna: yes, i'm dressing as JANE. sorry i won't be at yoru shindig. i wish i was.
(11:25:30 AM) coneybologna: what is your costume?
(11:25:32 AM) allieswoop: is jane being you?
(11:25:42 AM) coneybologna: can you pirnt a picture of my face and put it on the wall and talk to it? and take pics with it?
(11:25:48 AM) coneybologna: i don't know, but she better BE!
(11:25:50 AM) allieswoop: i will be a pirate because i ran out of time.
(11:26:01 AM) allieswoop: YES we will have a photo booth with your face in it
(11:26:04 AM) coneybologna: oh that's still good. i still have pirate costumes too.
(11:26:04 AM) allieswoop: the end
(11:26:12 AM) coneybologna: YES!
(11:26:14 AM) coneybologna: please you ahve to.
(11:26:15 AM) coneybologna: great.
(11:26:22 AM) coneybologna: i want pictures with strangers i don't know, too.
(11:26:33 AM) allieswoop: yes great
(11:26:34 AM) coneybologna: Then they will know me, and it will be akward when i meet them one day.
(11:26:36 AM) allieswoop: that you will have
(11:26:41 AM) coneybologna: GREAT!'
(11:26:43 AM) allieswoop: like stacy's friend julie
(11:26:52 AM) allieswoop: who used to want to beat stacy up
(11:26:55 AM) allieswoop: but now they're friends
(11:27:01 AM) coneybologna: RIGHT!
(11:27:05 AM) allieswoop: and she's an average sized person
(11:27:17 AM) coneybologna: stacy can withstand a beating. i know she would win.
(11:27:38 AM) coneybologna: i'ms tarving, do you have any food??
(11:27:49 AM) allieswoop: yes i will send you some over the IM
(11:28:02 AM) coneybologna: THANK YOU
(11:28:12 AM) coneybologna: i think i'm going to post this whole convo on our blog, starting now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i HATE this video.

It turns out, Obama is starring in a new movie about what it would be like if he were not awesome. Fortunately, he is awesome. And this movie is not.


That's cone and ocean made into one word. I know -- I"m brillz.

katy and chair, sitting in a tree

Hello. I just got the most amazing chair at work. It's purple, and matches my shirt exactly. it has swiveling arms too. it's the best chair in the whole entire world.

In other news, I just got back from Curacao, which is a gay-loving Caribbean island with perfect oceans. I also sit in a tree with Curacao.

Allie has returned from San Francisco -- a gay-loving United States-ean sort-of island. This is a plea for her to give us a description of her trip. Also, it's very unintuitive to spell Francisco, as spell check has taught me.

Jane is in Colorado being a music-movie star. I should probably order her some body guards for when she gets home. I should probably bedazzle some of her belongings as well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fun Fact

(9:37:38 AM) F0XFINGERS: According to Yale historian John Boswell, the early Christian church in Ireland included widely performed sacraments and marriage rites for men, which means that the first instances of same sex marriages were held in Ireland. Tell that to your bishop the next time he fulminates against the gays.

(9:37:44 AM) F0XFINGERS: not even pagan

(9:38:18 AM) F0XFINGERS: fun fact :)

happy wedding day Ryan Buckley and Karen Auerbach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010



allie and i are both shedding a couple of pounds. we're not on a diet though, we're on a shmitenhaaggen. It comes from the root words smitten and haaggen, as in we are smitten by haagen daaz ice cream, and therefor need to lose a pound or two.

The end.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mid-day Meal of Champions




Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Out of Season (1998)

Categories of Lesbians, courtesy of the dramatic 1998 flick 'Out of Season'... An angry nomadic city les comes to take care of her sick uncle in Cape May, NJ and finds love in the most unexpected place.

Lesbian Categories
Lipstick Lesbians
Sports Dykes (highly closeted group)
Grunge Lesbians
Rainbow Dykes (armed with rainbow paraphernalia)
Luppies (lesbian yuppies)
Dippies (lesbian hippies)
Chic Lesbians
Baby Dykes

Thursday, May 27, 2010

the fucking word of the day

what's better than empyrean?

Monday, May 17, 2010

You Can Only Be Equal

Check out this article on BBC about European heterosexual couples seeking more 'same sex partnerships'...
"Austrians seek right to partnership created for gays"
"You can't be a little bit equal, in the same way as you can't be a little bit dead or a little bit pregnant. You can only be equal or unequal." - Their lawyer, Helmut Garupner

Friday, April 9, 2010



Northern Trend, Katy's all-lesbian band, will be playing at Jacques Cabaret on Saturday April 10th at 9pm. hammana-hammana-hammana!

Don't miss this!

PLUS: as an extra added bonus, ALLIE WILL BE THERE! all the way from NYC! Get your mittens together and applaud this wondrous day!

Also, be Northern Trend's fan on facebook.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Modern Family

If you don't watch Modern Family, you're making a huge mistake. It's shot in a quasi- mokumentary style like The Office, and it's just as funny if not funnier. That's hight praise. Watch it at 9pm eastern on ABC.

Val Kilmer's new job at Sea World

Friday, February 26, 2010

fanny pack

Today, at citizen's bank, there was this guy in front of me. He was yucking it up with the people who worked there. The manager came into the lobby and joked with the guy, saying, "why are you still here? can't get enough of me?" They all laughed and pretended that he was gay. The teller woman then said that she isn't jealous, but that just isn't right. His pretend gayness was just disgusting.
And there i am, super gay, and super pissed, and i couldn't say anything.

on another note, the dyke band has decided on a name: The Northern Trend.

on another nother note, sometime in the next month or two we will be having a "let's get physical" weekend, where we spend the weekend in fanny packs and spandex, running around and laughing. you might find a beverage taped to your hand, or your back. you might find your fanny pack filled with water, or candy. you might find yourself in a weightlifting competition in public. anyone who desires to participate, please inquire.

Welcome to Life in NYC

Katy friend-ily reminded me the other day that because I moved to NYC in August of 2007 I will miss out on 'Beer-o-clock' with her.  I do miss Boston terribly since moving here...

Note the Sox hat under my hood and the 'Yankee's Win' advertisement on the wall behind me... and check out how dirty the subway station is... sorry I left, Boston... I love you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Flann O'Brien's

Number one, Roxbury is awesome. Number two, Brigham Circle has the word "ham" in it. Number three, Flann's makes their very own delicious beer and sells it for a mere $2 a pint. That should be plenty to make this the best bar in all of Boston, but there's more. They have a pool table in the back, great burgers and fries, and a very casual atmosphere. Go there. The end.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Best Places To Go...

Welcome to a new installment on the blog.  We're calling it "Best Places To Go"!

The first profiled "Best Place To Go" is Canestaro.  Nestled in the heart of the Fenway hood this little gem serves up some of the best BBQ Chicken Pizza to ever touch my lips.  With an outdoor patio in the sun, you can sit and enjoy your food and drinks and hear the cheering from the game (since the park is just 2 blocks away).  I lived just across the street from this establishment for a year and had the great joy of watching the owner hose down the patio every morning before sitting down to a cappuccino and the paper in his Red Sox hat.  If you're in the Fenway neighborhood you should stop by "Canny's" and tell them I said hello!  16 Peterborough St. Boston, MA

Monday, January 25, 2010


Kevin Youkilis Shaved!!!

It is a proven fact that with the beard he smelled like Doritos... so would it be true that without it he simply smells like Tostitos?
We <3 Youk!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Please enjoy this 1987 Crystal Light Aeriobics Competition, and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is CBS Greedy? Does a Bear Shit in the Woods?

CBS has confirmed that the 'so called christian' organization, Focus on the Family, will run a 30 second spot during the Super Bowl on Feb. 7th. 

Although there is claim that the ad won't have a 'hard sell' element, the fact that a dangerous organization could buy ad space for $3,000,000 during the Super Bowl is scary.  CBS has the right to deny racy, suggestive, controversial, or 'anti-things' advertisements... who was sleeping on the job here?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help Haiti In Any Way You Can...

Here's how you can help by donating to Yele Haiti, Wyclef's organization...

Statement from Wyclef:
“Haiti today faced a natural disaster of unprecedented proportion, an earthquake unlike anything the country has ever experienced.

The magnitude 7.0 earthquake – and several very strong aftershocks – struck only 10 miles from Port-au-Prince.

I cannot stress enough what a human disaster this is, and idle hands will only make this tragedy worse. The over 2 million people in Port-au-Prince tonight face catastrophe alone. We must act now.

President Obama has already said that the U.S. stands ‘ready to assist’ the Haitian people. The U.S. Military is the only group trained and prepared to offer that assistance immediately. They must do so as soon as possible. The international community must also rise to the occasion and help the Haitian people in every way possible.”

Many people have already reached out to see what they can do right now. We are asking those interested to please do one of two things: Either you can use your cell phone to text “Yele” to 501501, which will automatically donate $5 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund (it will be charged to your cell phone bill), or you can click here to DONATE.

Thank you,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Katy's Quote of the Day

"But I can bever sing in key when drunk."

What does it mean... that's for you to decide.

Happy Monday.